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Default Notifications

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Written by Team Vedilink
Last edited 1/3/2021

By default we subscribe you to the following announcement and activity notifications. You can change your notification settings at any time in your account settings.

  • Education: Scientific conferences and education resources for your academic career
  • ili: The latest stories from our blog
  • Vedilink Insider: The latest academic news & community highlights
  • Vedilink Communication: News, announcements, and product updates
  • Account Activity: Important notifications about you or activity you’ve missed
  • Near You: Activity happening close to my location (in beta)
  • Invitation Allotments: Notifications when you receive new invitations
  • Invitations Expiring: Notifications when your invitations are expiring
  • Accepted Invitations: Notifications when someone accepts your invitation
  • Follow: Notifications when someone follows you

No spam ever. Unsubscribe any time.

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